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Bringing Him Home

They very calmly told me

As a civilian you’ll feel safe,

The silence will calm your spirit

Being home is supposed to make me whole

Living life is supposed to bring me joy

They told me I’d find peace

I believed them

I brought work home

I brought home the agony, instinct, fear,

And sounds no one else can hear

Every corner is a trap,

In this apocalypse

There’s always an enemy stalking me

Nowhere is safe

I should be home

Because I can’t trust anyone

Even my closest friends could be hostile,

And in one second could end my life

I notice no one else is scared

But the sweat pours down my back

While my eyes are always scanning,

My head is on a swivel,

Because any woman’s purse could be an bomb

The world is burning

Life is a battleground

Staring into the eyes of anyone

I see impulsive fear

You could say

In my hometown I feel a little anxious

In silence my spirit is most at stake

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