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Once a Sandcrab, Always a Sandcrab

When people say that Seabreeze High School is a family, they are not kidding. I attended Father Lopez Catholic High School my freshman year and felt like an outsider the minute I walked through the green entrance gates. Everyone around me had been going to school together since pre- k and I was joining in ninth grade. I would always look on social media and see the friends I had grown up with having a blast in the Friday night lights or talking about all of the school clubs they were apart of. After months of begging, I finally convinced my parents to let me transfer to Seabreeze. Before I was even officially a sand crab, I felt welcomed with open arms. I made the varsity cheer team while I was still enrolled at Lopez and that is where I met two lifelong best friends. The second I walked through the red entrance gates I knew I was becoming apart of something special. I will always be grateful for my sand crab family.

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